Insurance for Mental Health Practitioners

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do Mental Health Practitioners need insurance?

Health professionals in this industry diagnose and treat mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders brought about by stress or substance abuse. These professionals may practice privately or in facilities such as a hospital.

A mental health practitioner's primary concern is the overall well-being of others. Despite this, they work closely with unstable which is another set of risks. Even if you are very careful with patients, there will come a time where you cannot control the situation. Lawsuits are possible, even if you've done a great job in treating your patients. When this happens, insurance can help you. Your insurance will save your business and personal assets from unnecessary and costly lawsuit expenses by paying for covered risks. Therefore, you won't have any out-of-pocket expenses which mean you can focus more on your business.

What risks do Mental Health Practitioners face?

Mental health practitioners face a unique set of risks, below are some examples:

  • You are visiting a patient's home and you have inadvertently caused damage to their personal property.
  • A patient during a counseling session has emotional manifestations that cause extreme physical behavior. This behavior causes your patient to trip and fall, suffering injury. This could then lead to a lawsuit.

How much does Mental Health Practitioners insurance cost?

There is no fixed cost of insurance for mental health practitioners as insurance companies will rely on the size of your business, the number of employees you have, the coverage needed and many other factors. If you want to know the cost of your insurance policies, simply apply for an instant, free quote online or talk to our insurance experts directly.

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